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why associati architettura design landscape, Castle Resort architecture in landscape

Suspended in time

Boundless landscapes, inaccessible cliffs, gorges redundant with nature, historical memories lost in a distant past, here in front of this treasure of the Italian beauty, we would like to offer a true living experience.

A continuous path suspended between sky and ground, a sinuous walk, which provides a different fruition of the site, celebrating it in its integrity and iconic power. The new intervention focuses on the castle, physically and symbolically, redefining with its presence the relationship it entertains with the surrounding landscape. A ring embraces the mountain, submitted to the massive presence of the fortress. It allows visitors to inhabit this extraordinary condition and look at the castle from below in all its prominence. A promenade, where the eye rests on infinite landscapes and the view opens up to 360 degrees on the surrounding valleys. A fragile edge, a line, which confronts memory and nature, being respectful of both. The form comes from the topography. Curved lines follow the mountain shape getting closer to it in some points and more distant in others.  The relation between the unique horizontal level of the building and the exiting soil determinate a continuously changing distance. A space in between path and ground, which never touch each other, except in correspondence of the entrance ramps gently leaning on the existing walkways.

Team: Stefano Lanotte, Laura Mantegazza,

Matteo Frangi, Emanuele Narducci,

Camilla DeCamilli
Location: Roccamandolfi, Isernia, Italy
Year: 2016
International Competition: Honorable mention


YAC_Castle Resort Competition

why associati architettura design landscape, Castle Resort architecture in landscape
why associati architettura design landscape, Castle Resort architecture in landscape
why associati architettura design landscape, Castle Resort architecture in landscape
why associati architettura design landscape, Castle Resort architecture in landscape
why associati architettura design landscape, Castle Resort architecture in landscape
why associati architettura design landscape, Castle Resort architecture in landscape
why associati architettura design landscape, Castle Resort architecture in landscape
why associati architettura design landscape, Castle Resort architecture in landscape

Arch. Stefano Lanotte

P.IVA 07868520961

Ordine Architetti PPC Milano 18105

Arch. Laura Mantegazza

P.IVA 07094860967

Ordine Architetti PPC Milano 17446

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